Bra-ket notation - Wikipedia
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This is an ongoing stream of exclusively textual posts (more information at
Fantastic book! ooo[link]ooo ooo[bioinfo]ooo ooo[teaching]ooo
Describes the huge impact that Google Earth is having on the science. Here's a letter I wrote on this:
I was very impressed with Declan Butler's recent article on the impact that Google Earth is having on the scientific community. I have found this program extremely exciting to use and exhilarating as far as viewing common locations. I would like to point out that the success of this program underscores the importance of open standards for data and having easy interoperation between information resources.
To some degree, this same success has been achieved in the macromolecular structural world, where there are many programs giving people the ability to easily look at macromolecules in 3D and layer information on them.
Clearly, a good visualization program and open "browsing" system can catalyze a lot of interesting science. I would like to urge the development of comparable
browsing applications for other newly emerging areas in the biological sciences -- in particular, for visualizing the vast landscape of the genome and for navigating through complex biological networks.
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Interesting reference to selection maps and PLOS bio. article
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Interesting article talks about the pseudoscience of rigorously determining "Briggs-Myers" personality types and compatibility metrics between people. Personally I think this is more of an art than a science. In anycase, it appears that there will be a vast amount of "social" data mining on the internet in years to come!
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Antibody database indicating proteins present in different cancers and tissues -- and also in different sexes!
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perhaps useful to investigate again... contains many nets
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perhaps useful to investigate for connecting phenotypes to genotypes
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Useful to refer to in relation to quantifying protein abundance. (Note earlier paper too.)
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Papers and person below associated with ~200 protein abundance values with can
be compared with brain mRNA expression levels.
Girard, M., Allaire, P.D., McPherson, P.S., and Blondeau, F. (2005).
Non-stoichiometric relationship between clathrin heavy and light chains revealed
by subcellular proteomics of clathrin-coated vesicles from brain and liver. Mol.
Cell Prot. 4:1145-1154.
Blondeau, F., Ritter, B., Allaire, P.D., Wasiak, S., Girard, M., Hussain, N.K.,
Angers, A., Legendre-Guillemin, V., Roy, L., Boismenu, D., Kearney, R.E., Bell,
A.W., Bergeron, J.J.M., and McPherson, P.S. (2004) Tandem mass spectrometry
analysis of brain clathrin-coated vesicles reveals their critical involvement in
synaptic vesicle recycling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 101:3833-3838.
Thought this might be a nice drink to keep an eye out for....
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Thoughts for those in stress... perhaps useful for the paranoid (potassium iodide + Prussian Blue)! Wonder if a doctor would perscribe these....
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Interesting DB of TFBS, with new extensions to ENCODE regions and SNPs. Based on building HMMs from TRANSFAC and then running these against genomes.
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Thought these might be good to refer to in relation to the platform
comparison work we are doing. The 2nd one is a glass slide vs. Affy study.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2003 Jun 25;4:27. Epub 2003 Jun 25
Reproducibility of gene expression across generations of Affymetrix
Nimgaonkar A, Sanoudou D, Butte AJ, Haslett JN, Kunkel LM, Beggs AH,
Kohane IS.
Bioinformatics. 2002 Mar;18(3):405-12.
Analysis of matched mRNA measurements from two different microarray
Kuo WP, Jenssen TK, Butte AJ, Ohno-Machado L, Kohane IS.
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perhaps useful to investigate for re-routing hotmail to gmail (and other similar combinations).....
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A true email exchange and was the subject a WSJ article.
Read from the bottom up.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Breen
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 9:54 AM
To: Stacey G. Bloom
Subject: FW: Thank you
Read from the bottom to the top.there was an intervening exchange of
voice mails as <> you can imagine, they were
as unprofessional as
her e-mails.
-----Original Message-----
From: William A. Korman
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 9:55 AM
To: 'David Breen'
Subject: RE: Thank you
You can e-mail this to whomever you want.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Breen
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 9:47 AM
To: 'William A. Korman'
Subject: RE: Thank you
Where to begin?
First of all, how unprofessional, and secondly, it is "reap what you
'sow,'" now "sew". If she is going to use a cliche, couldn't she at
least spell it right? And WTF is with her "blab la bla"? Does she not
read your e-mail about it being a small community?! So, finally, can I
forward this along to some folks? I am sure they would love to see how
the up-and-coming lawyers are comporting themselves! (Clearly she did
not go to BU!!!) J
-----Original Message-----
From: William A. Korman
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 7:59 AM
To: 'David Breen'
Subject: FW: Thank you
Did I already forward this to you?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dianna Abdala
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 4:29 PM
To: William A. Korman
Subject: Re: Thank you
bla bla bla
----- Original Message -----
From: William A. Korman
To: 'Dianna Abdala'
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: RE: Thank you
Thank you for the refresher course on contracts. This is not a bar exam
question. You need to realize that this is a very small legal
especially the criminal defense bar. Do you really want to start
pissing off more experienced lawyers at this early stage of your
-----Original Message-----
From: Dianna Abdala
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 4:01 PM
To: William A. Korman
Subject: Re: Thank you
A real lawyer would have put the contract into writing and not exercised
any such reliance until he did so.
Again, thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: William A. Korman
To: 'Dianna Abdala'
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: Thank you
Dianna -
Given that you had two interviews, were offered and accepted the job
(indeed, you had a definite start date), I am surprised that you chose
an e-mail and a 9:30 PM voicemail message to convey this information to
me. It smacks of immaturity and is quite unprofessional. Indeed, I
rely upon your acceptance by ordering stationery and business cards with
your name, reformatting a computer and setting up both internal and
external e-mails for you here at the office. While I do not quarrel
with your reasoning, I am extremely disappointed in the way this played
out. I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
- Will Korman
-----Original Message-----
From: Dianna Abdala
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:23 PM
To: William A. Korman
Subject: Thank you
Dear Attorney Korman,
At this time, I am writing to inform you that I will not be accepting
your offer.
After careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the pay
you are offering would neither fulfill me nor support the lifestyle I am
living in light of the work I would be doing for you. I have decided
instead to work for myself, and reap 100% of the benefits that I sew.
Thank you for the interviews.
Dianna L. Abdala, Esq.
Interesting article about a drug that slows digestion of food (making you feel fuller). It pointed out how doctors might be under pressure to prescribe off-label.
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In contrast: Positive Selection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaooo[link]ooo ooo[bioinfo]ooo
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Thought this was an interesting article about the practical value of data mining. It seems that of the big applications of mining -- e.g. genomics, credit-card fraud, marketing, anti-terrorism -- mine is the only one that's open and not shrouded in secrecy...
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