Driving Directions to Claire's in New Haven
Here's how to get from GW bridge to Merritt.
Here's how to get from Merritt to Claire's.
Entrace to parking garage is between Chapel and Crown on College St.
This is an ongoing stream of exclusively textual posts (more information at streams.gerstein.info)
Here's how to get from GW bridge to Merritt.
Here's how to get from Merritt to Claire's.
Entrace to parking garage is between Chapel and Crown on College St.
"Thunderbird can't use the profile because it is in use to continue close the running instance of thunderbird"
In relation to the above error message found the only thing to cure this is to restart windows and re-run thunderbird.
The lock file that often gums up a thunderbird session is:
My other thunderbird hints are at: http://del.icio.us/mbgmbg/Link_ThunderbirdFixes
Notes on water proofing an iPod
To reset an iPod with a Click Wheel
(below extracted from a page on the web)
Including the following:
* iPod mini
* iPod mini (Second Generation)
* iPod with color display (iPod photo)
* iPod (Click Wheel)
* iPod nano
* Fifth Generation iPod (also known as iPod with video)
1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)
2. Press and hold the Menu and Select buttons until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.
Tip: If you are having difficulty resetting your iPod, set it on a flat surface. Make sure the finger pressing the Select button is not touching any part of the click wheel. Also make sure that you are pressing the Menu button toward the outside of the click wheel, and not near the center.
If the above steps did not work, try connecting iPod to a power adapter and plug the power adapter into an electrical outlet, or connect iPod to your computer. Make sure the computer is turned on and isn't set to go to sleep
Here's a letter to the Wired that was published:
I enjoyed the article about personal genomics company 23andMe ("Your DNA Decoded," issue 15.12). I was especially interested in the visionary and somewhat whimsical idea of connecting social networking with understanding one's genome. We can take this idea a step further and combine it with another phenomenon — the rise of easy-to-make consumer mashups. People could use Web services to share their genomic information in meaningful ways. For instance, friends on a social networking site might look beyond external characteristics like hair and eye color and instead search for sequence variants they have in common. Alternatively, you could mash up genomic profiles with marathon times and highlight common characteristics of fast runners. However, people will only share genomic information if it's done in a way that doesn't reveal too much about themselves: To be viable, genomic mashups should be interesting, but not too specific about future health implications.